World's Largest Gummy Bear! this is a GREAT page!
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
Friday, October 8, 2010
Writing to get the demons out
hey kids!
well, it's fall... football, pumpkins, sweaters, chilly air and apples. LOVE this time of year.
I'm hoping that the new season helps pull me back to something positive myself...really, really trying to move towards happiness in whatever way i can find it!
i've started writing again - please visit my blog after you stop by here!
love, me
well, it's fall... football, pumpkins, sweaters, chilly air and apples. LOVE this time of year.
I'm hoping that the new season helps pull me back to something positive myself...really, really trying to move towards happiness in whatever way i can find it!
i've started writing again - please visit my blog after you stop by here!
love, me
Thursday, October 7, 2010
Keep coming to the table....
This is a wonderful forum for us to stay close as a family and extend the love always and forever.
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
Monday, September 13, 2010
september 13
umm its September and no one has written on this blog for like 2 months...weird!! ok that's all...
Thursday, July 15, 2010
Summertime and the livin's easy....
Wondering how Suzanna and I will spend our vacation time this summer, we can fit in some time at the end of August and need suggestions. I'm thinking about the Mackinac area in Michigan, never been there, not too far of a drive.
Carolina's look good for a drive too.
Carolina's look good for a drive too.
Monday, June 14, 2010
Stupid, offensive and paranoid
Joke's on them. I've been giving blood since I was 15, and have NEVER answered that question with a "yes." So many people could have my clean, gay blood flowing through them.
Thank you, FDA, for telling everyone in America: "Yes, homosexuals are harborers of disease."
In that.
Thursday, June 3, 2010
From the beginning...
What happened? I would like to see full, honest and clear stories. From everyone involved. I don't want this to grow any further.
Jessie is our sister and we love her.
Nathan is our brother and we love him.
Blair is a nice girl and Nathan loves her.
So why is there so much anger amongst so much love?
Jessie is our sister and we love her.
Nathan is our brother and we love him.
Blair is a nice girl and Nathan loves her.
So why is there so much anger amongst so much love?
From Jordan
Bryan, please post the following on the site:
Brothers and Sisters of the Eberly Family Clan, lend me your ears.
Melodramatic entries aside, I wanted to address the issue going on with Blaire. Since this issue started perking up around Bryan, I've only heard name calling. That's all it's ever amounted to.
(EDIT: Name calling example has been removed for lack of attribution)
Ultimately, the only real issue I've heard of is that she doesn't get along with Jessie, and refuses to associate with Jessie to the point she will not attend family functions if Jessie is there. I understand how this can cause some contention, and I understand I don't have the full story. I've been letting this play out between the family because it's a family issue.
Frankly, though, I understand where Blaire could be coming from. Only Susanna and I can truly relate to Blaire's situation because we're on the outside being brought in. And a lot of the things I've heard said have sounded resentful and antagonistic. I'm not there, so I'm not calling anyone out. But at a personal level, I'd like to speak to Blaire on it and help her reconcile whatever the issues are. The only person who has a right to ask me not to is Nathan. I know it can make everyone else feel uncomfortable, but she's Nathan's girl. No one else is truly invested in this relationship and no one else has the right to tell me to butt out. And if you do ask me to, Nathan I will.
I sincerely do empathize with Blaire, and in order to deescalate the situation, I think it'd be beneficial for me to talk to her and, more importantly, give her someone to talk to. My understanding is that Eric and Andi have both offered her that space, but if I had beef with one of you, I'm not going to talk to your siblings about it. You're all too tightly knit together, which is both intimidating and damning, even though it's something I have always greatly admired about your family.
I've already sent a message to Blaire before this all blew up. Assuming there's no problem with it, Nate, if you could encourage her to talk to me, I'd appreciate it. If she or you don't want me to get involved, then I won't. And that's that.
Brothers and Sisters of the Eberly Family Clan, lend me your ears.
Melodramatic entries aside, I wanted to address the issue going on with Blaire. Since this issue started perking up around Bryan, I've only heard name calling. That's all it's ever amounted to.
(EDIT: Name calling example has been removed for lack of attribution)
Ultimately, the only real issue I've heard of is that she doesn't get along with Jessie, and refuses to associate with Jessie to the point she will not attend family functions if Jessie is there. I understand how this can cause some contention, and I understand I don't have the full story. I've been letting this play out between the family because it's a family issue.
Frankly, though, I understand where Blaire could be coming from. Only Susanna and I can truly relate to Blaire's situation because we're on the outside being brought in. And a lot of the things I've heard said have sounded resentful and antagonistic. I'm not there, so I'm not calling anyone out. But at a personal level, I'd like to speak to Blaire on it and help her reconcile whatever the issues are. The only person who has a right to ask me not to is Nathan. I know it can make everyone else feel uncomfortable, but she's Nathan's girl. No one else is truly invested in this relationship and no one else has the right to tell me to butt out. And if you do ask me to, Nathan I will.
I sincerely do empathize with Blaire, and in order to deescalate the situation, I think it'd be beneficial for me to talk to her and, more importantly, give her someone to talk to. My understanding is that Eric and Andi have both offered her that space, but if I had beef with one of you, I'm not going to talk to your siblings about it. You're all too tightly knit together, which is both intimidating and damning, even though it's something I have always greatly admired about your family.
I've already sent a message to Blaire before this all blew up. Assuming there's no problem with it, Nate, if you could encourage her to talk to me, I'd appreciate it. If she or you don't want me to get involved, then I won't. And that's that.
Stopping the Drama
Hey guys. Jordan is going to talk to Blair as a way of trying to ease the drama between her and J-cat. I almost want to call this the "First Wives Summit." lol. We figure that the best person to get Blair's side of the sotry would be someone on equal footing with her. Jordan is a good candidate because he is also a significant other and only has a bias towards me. The rest of us have the obivous bias toward Nate and J-cat, so we can't failry give Blair room to explain herself.
I think Suzanna could get in on this too, but she may be too well connected to Nate and J-cat by now.
This whole situation is barely any of my business, but I see it as a stressor on my family and wanted to find a simple solution to get rid of the drama.
I think Suzanna could get in on this too, but she may be too well connected to Nate and J-cat by now.
This whole situation is barely any of my business, but I see it as a stressor on my family and wanted to find a simple solution to get rid of the drama.
Friday, May 28, 2010
In the News for Eberly comments
Repeal of DADT going forward...
YAY Farmville!
How careful am I going to be on red-eye flights from now on
YAY Farmville!
How careful am I going to be on red-eye flights from now on
Thursday, May 27, 2010
Ok, back to the ground rules
No fighting, no calling out people with hurtful and intentionally hurtful comments, no more back and forth comments or arguing about personal issues.
Not the venue.
Obviously we will not agree 100% of the time and that is fine. However, we also must understand if we ask for feedback or opninions on anything we must be open to everything that is said.
Tired of going through this blog and seeing all of this, and I'm tired of being sucked into the same behavior. We are above this.
Since Eric is the administrator, I hope that he is willing to get back to the ground rules and enforce the added rules above.
Thanks everyone.
Not the venue.
Obviously we will not agree 100% of the time and that is fine. However, we also must understand if we ask for feedback or opninions on anything we must be open to everything that is said.
Tired of going through this blog and seeing all of this, and I'm tired of being sucked into the same behavior. We are above this.
Since Eric is the administrator, I hope that he is willing to get back to the ground rules and enforce the added rules above.
Thanks everyone.
Sunday, May 23, 2010
Monday, May 10, 2010
Thanks, J-cat
Thanks, Jess, for the critique on Samantha's make-up job. It really shows maturity to be so supportive and tolerant of something you may not agree with. I'm proud of you for it.
That being said, Samantha's make-up is supposed to be somewhat over-the-top for entertainment purposes. Like I told Nate, if I were merely cross-dressing I'd go for a more natural look.
I am not a cross-dresser.
Again, thanks. Love you.
Tuesday, May 4, 2010
Great Read --> Coincidences: Clues from the Universe by Deepak Chopra
Coincidences: Clues from the Universe by Deepak Chopra
Coincidences are not accidents but signals from the universe which can guide us toward our true destiny.
Most of us go through life a little afraid, a little nervous, a little excited. We are like children playing hide and seek, wanting to be found, yet hoping we won’t be, biting our nails with anticipation. We worry when opportunity approaches a little too closely, and hide deeper in the shadows when fear overcomes us. This is no way to go through life. People who understand the true nature of reality, those whom some traditions call enlightened, lose all sense of fear or concern. All worry disappears. Once you understand the way life really works—the flow of energy, information, and intelligence that directs every moment—then you begin to see the amazing potential in that moment. Mundane things just don’t bother you anymore. You become lighthearted and full of joy. You also begin to encounter more and more coincidences in your life.When you live your life with an appreciation of coincidences and their meanings, you connect with the underlying field of infinite possibilities. This is when the magic begins. This is a state I call synchrodestiny, in which it becomes possible to achieve the spontaneous fulfillment of our every desire. Synchrodestiny requires gaining access to a place deep within yourself, while at the same time awakening to the intricate dance of coincidences out in the physical world.
. . .
When a coincidence arises, don’t ignore it. Ask yourself, What is the message here? What is the significance of this? You don’t need to go digging for the answers. Ask the question, and the answers will emerge. They may arrive as a sudden insight, a spontaneous creative experience, or they may be something very different. Perhaps you will meet a person who is somehow related to the coincidence that occurred. An encounter, a
The key is to pay attention and inquire.
Another thing you can do to nurture coincidence is to keep a diary or journal of coincidences in your life. After years of note-taking, I classify coincidences as tiny, medium, whoppers, and double-whoppers. You can do this in any way that is easy for you. For some people, it is easiest to maintain a daily journal and underline or highlight words or phrases or names of things that show up as coincidences. Other people keep a special coincidence diary. They start a new page for each significant coincidence, then jot down any other connections to that event on its page.
OMG! OMG you guys!
Minute Maid still makes fruit juice bars like when we were kids! And they still taste awesome!!!!!
Friday, April 30, 2010
Take 2

One of the biggest problems here...Adam refuses to take his apple away.
I really like the purple and I recommend purple shades for Andi and J-cat.
Whatcha think? I guess I should also say, I did this completely by myself, so...that's why.
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
I hate it here
Hey guys. I feel very Laura Brown right now. Encourage me to continue to care about my life in KC.
Saturday, April 24, 2010
Friday, April 16, 2010
It's Been Quiet Here Lately
What's new? :) I think I've talked to each of you this week which is amazing, as I don't think that's happened where I've had a conversation with EACH of my siblings. :)
Seems like all of us are going through changes - mostly positive changes and that makes me smile!
I'm so super proud of each of you and your recent accomplishments. I can't wait to see the results of the things you're working on. :) Keep up the hard work, maintain that positive, winning attitude and you'll continue to go far in what you want to do.
Seems like all of us are going through changes - mostly positive changes and that makes me smile!
I'm so super proud of each of you and your recent accomplishments. I can't wait to see the results of the things you're working on. :) Keep up the hard work, maintain that positive, winning attitude and you'll continue to go far in what you want to do.
Monday, March 29, 2010
Friday, March 26, 2010
Thursday, March 25, 2010
Family Fireside Chat Y'all
I was just thinking to myself that it has been awhile since the family has gotten together and just talked about how we all are doing.
I'm still working on getting rich, furthering my career and reading books. In my free time I'm helping Dad with his sleu of projects, and keeping him focused.
I'm always grateful that I have such a wonderful family and that you are all doing well.
I'm still working on getting rich, furthering my career and reading books. In my free time I'm helping Dad with his sleu of projects, and keeping him focused.
I'm always grateful that I have such a wonderful family and that you are all doing well.
Thursday, March 11, 2010
Call to Action (so angry)
If you haven't read this story, here it is:
"High School cancels prom to prevent lesbian attendance",2933,588967,00.html?test=latestnews
I am so angry right now. So angry. And I'm taking action. Here is a list of contacts for the school and school district. Not only am I writing an e-mail, but I am also writing a snail-mail letter and will call to voice my opinion on this.
I find this cruel. I find this backwards. I find this to be a spit in the face of everything that is godly, American and Human. To overreact, to target this child, to use her to incite anger in her peers, to set her up for a gauntlet of hate, fear and possible's not right.
Please join me and voice your opinion. This is my rock bottom.
(Just to let you know, I am crying. And shaking. So pissed.)
Itawamba County School District
Teresa McNeece - Superintendent
Phone: (662)862-2159 Ext. 14
Itawamba County Agricultural High School
Itawamba Agricultural High School
9th-12th Grade -- Principal: Trae Wiygul
11900 Hwy 25 S
Fulton, MS 38843
If possible, I will also write an encouraging letter to Ms. Constance McMillan. I'm using every journalistic tool in the box to find her e-mail or address. Really hard considering she hasn't been emancipated yet, and the family obviously doesn't want too much attention. But I will find it! Stay tuned.
Thursday, February 25, 2010
Matthew 19: 11-12
Eunuchs who are born eunuchs.
Some scholars agree that this refers to homosexual men (as the event of a man born without testicles is too rare for Jesus to have mentioned). Your thoughts?
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
Can I sue FOXnews for using scare tactics? Seriously. Luckily, I am now convinced FOXNews will be little more than a tabloid newspaper by 2020. Piece of crap opinion-rama.
Things Aren't Worth What They Used To Be
I like the cynical end of this story. :)
I like the cynical end of this story. :)
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
from Bry..."Scary"
This is why I'm keeping an eye on Jim. These people are crazy, and are quickly becoming a legitimate threat to our national security. Just like President Obama (or any president) can use any excuse to shove us under martial law (cause that's the power they wield, right?), these groups can use any excuse to begin attacking innocent lives. The second they feel threatened, they will react.
This is sick. Oh, and the CIA isn't the organization following him. It's most likely CID and FBI. I also love the quality of citizens the army is accepting nowadays. Very honorable of them to allow crazy people to be cannon fodder.
This is why I'm keeping an eye on Jim. These people are crazy, and are quickly becoming a legitimate threat to our national security. Just like President Obama (or any president) can use any excuse to shove us under martial law (cause that's the power they wield, right?), these groups can use any excuse to begin attacking innocent lives. The second they feel threatened, they will react.
This is sick. Oh, and the CIA isn't the organization following him. It's most likely CID and FBI. I also love the quality of citizens the army is accepting nowadays. Very honorable of them to allow crazy people to be cannon fodder.
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
Monday, February 8, 2010
New Windows! House
Right now new windows are being installed at Dad's new house, their is sooo much light coming in, it is wonderful.
Continuing on, there are projects galore, and Dad is losing weight!
Kitchen cabinets are ready to install...
Home Insurance coverage was not cancelled because we installed new porch!
House is looking really good!
Continuing on, there are projects galore, and Dad is losing weight!
Kitchen cabinets are ready to install...
Home Insurance coverage was not cancelled because we installed new porch!
House is looking really good!
Saturday, February 6, 2010
What being a liberal means to me
And now, of course, a retort:
I look for solutions instead of letting the problems stop me in my tracks. I don't stop looking for solutions due to the superficial excuses of tradition, culture, belief, "that's how it's always been", etc. I am progressive.
I don't let the beliefs of others hamper my abilities to find new and better ways of living. I would not stop chopping a tree for firewood just because I live in a community of Wiccans, par exemple.
I value life. I value freedom from pain, anger, suffering, hunger, torture, etc. I believe everybody has a right to life, liberty, happiness and comfort. Anyway I can help bring that happiness and comfort, I'll do it.
I believe in the benefit of doubt. I will never know a complete story. I will never know enough to judge anyone. Therefore, everybody is innocent until proven guilty.
I believe in letting the punishment fit the crime. I do not believe in torture in any sense.
I believe that the ends justify the means. This belief can easily be taken to the extreme, but so can being stubborn.
That is what being a liberal means to me. That is why I'm proud to be a liberal. That's why I am proud to call myself progressive. I firmly believe that Jesus and Muhammad (blessings be upon them) would be classified as liberals today.
Friday, February 5, 2010
What being a conservative means to me
So, i recently became a "fan of being conservative" on facebook and bry asked if I know what it means to be "conservative". Well, here's were I stand:
I want to be able to purchase firearms and ammo without excessive taxes on my right to bear arms. I want to hoard those guns and shoot animals for sport. Overpopulation of a species is bad for the environment. No amnesty for illegals, bring back prayer into schools and the promise of hell in the afterlife as punishment for immoral living; stop affirmative action, kick the goverment out of private business decisions, reward hardworking AMericans with tax breaks and punish those who mooch off the system by establishing stricter guidelines on government I missing anything? Now, to make things interesting, I do believe in equal rights - civil unions, etc for the sake of creating and supporting strong families, whether gay or straight...strong family values are what will make this nation great and our future brighter. I don't believe the govt has any business determining how healthcare should be distributed. As a server, making less than $25K a year, I purchased my own health insurance. I didn't go without and I certainly did not expect the govt to take care of me. I'm pro-life--if you make a grown up decision to engage in procreation activities but don't want children, you have a responsbilty to keep that from happening so that an innocent life is not cut short--don't believe in birthcontrol? Don't have sex. Biology is amazing, women can figure out when to say no. I believe in corporal punishment under the law...hypocritical, I know as a Prolifer, but if some bastard hurts my family he/she will pay for their actions and it will be painful. Lethal injection stuff is ridiculous, it should be scary and it should hurt. The victims were scared and hurting without mercy given to them... So, yeah, that's what I stand for.
I want to be able to purchase firearms and ammo without excessive taxes on my right to bear arms. I want to hoard those guns and shoot animals for sport. Overpopulation of a species is bad for the environment. No amnesty for illegals, bring back prayer into schools and the promise of hell in the afterlife as punishment for immoral living; stop affirmative action, kick the goverment out of private business decisions, reward hardworking AMericans with tax breaks and punish those who mooch off the system by establishing stricter guidelines on government I missing anything? Now, to make things interesting, I do believe in equal rights - civil unions, etc for the sake of creating and supporting strong families, whether gay or straight...strong family values are what will make this nation great and our future brighter. I don't believe the govt has any business determining how healthcare should be distributed. As a server, making less than $25K a year, I purchased my own health insurance. I didn't go without and I certainly did not expect the govt to take care of me. I'm pro-life--if you make a grown up decision to engage in procreation activities but don't want children, you have a responsbilty to keep that from happening so that an innocent life is not cut short--don't believe in birthcontrol? Don't have sex. Biology is amazing, women can figure out when to say no. I believe in corporal punishment under the law...hypocritical, I know as a Prolifer, but if some bastard hurts my family he/she will pay for their actions and it will be painful. Lethal injection stuff is ridiculous, it should be scary and it should hurt. The victims were scared and hurting without mercy given to them... So, yeah, that's what I stand for.
Tuesday, February 2, 2010
I am so fucking optimistic right now. Everything will be fine as long as DADT is taken away by the end of the year.
I'm trying not to get my hopes up too far, but...tears are coming to my eyes as I think about my future.
Thank God for Obama. Thank God for Gates. Let's get this done.
Friday, January 29, 2010
I Promise Myself by Christian Larson
I Promise Myself:
- To be so strong that nothing can disturb my peace of mind.
- To talk health, happiness and prosperity to every person I meet.
- To make all my friends feel that there is something worthwhile in them.
- To look at the sunny side of everything and make my optimism come true.
- To think only of the best, to work only for the best and to expect only the best.
- To be just as enthusiastic about the success of others as I am about my own.
- To forget the mistakes of the past and press on to the greater achievements of the future.
- To wear a cheerful expression at all times and give a smile to every living creature I meet.
- To give so much time to improving myself that I have no time to criticize others.
- To be too large for worry, too noble for anger, too strong for fear and too happy to permit the presence of trouble.
- To think well of myself and to proclaim this fact to the world- not in loud words but in great deeds.
- To live in the faith that the whole world is on my side so long as I am true to the best that is in me.
has anyone ever just felt -- you know, BLAH. Like you could stay in bed all day, all night, not eat, not care?
yeah, that's kind of how i'm feeling. it's taking every ounce of energy to just do the bare minimum i need to do to get by today. I don't have the energy to care, to fight, to cry, to argue. I'm conserving what energy I have so that i can appear happy and wonderful for the kids.
I feel like I'm trapped in a hole. I can see my way out, but the shackles on my ankles won't allow me to climb out.
yeah, that's kind of how i'm feeling. it's taking every ounce of energy to just do the bare minimum i need to do to get by today. I don't have the energy to care, to fight, to cry, to argue. I'm conserving what energy I have so that i can appear happy and wonderful for the kids.
I feel like I'm trapped in a hole. I can see my way out, but the shackles on my ankles won't allow me to climb out.
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
What happened?
I'm taking this discussion off facebook because I hate airing dirty laundry longer than I have to. Facebook let's my anger thrive, and I don't need that right now.
So, here's my question and I want it answered HONESTLY.
What happened with Bacon? I want answers from everybody involved with the dog. One of the key sources of bitterness and anger in my mind right now is that I wasn't able to take care of that dog. I don't know where I was when she disappeared (I hate to think it was while deployed), but my biggest regret is not trying harder to make her mine. So, I want to know the situation behind her.
And then we can get back into the sin of declawing a cat.
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
Tuesday, January 12, 2010
Thursday, January 7, 2010
Hey Family! Its Time for an Update! Jan. 7 2010
Everybody knows I'm not the best at communication. I was going to end the blod pot at that, but I'm trying therapy of writing...
Just not really my thing, not saying I have a problem working well with others, everybody happens to adore me. or so my ego likes to think :) I just cannot maintain the best lines of communication. However, Suzanna is a wonderful communicator with a Bachelor's in IPC, so what was I getting at?
Anyway getting to the point of the matter, I feel as though sometimes I am being carried by a wave, life, and I'm surfing the ride trying to stay on afraid to fall and ruin the ride, but what I just realized is that YOU HAVE TO FALL. So that you can ride the next wave. And I've never surfed, which is funny that I used that as a metaphor. But I'm sure you can all imagine what it would be like to surf, it's gotta be scary shit. Anyway, when you fall it's scary cause your under water and you have lost your bearings and you can't breathe and your scared, but than eventually there is only one way but UP. saddle up and go after another wave.
1) This is the last semester for my Associate's in Applied Business
Still trying to grasp the Applied part, but I'm getting better.
"A person's mind, once stretched by a new idea, never regains original dimensions."
2) Work is really slow. More reason to start applying my business.
3) Dad's House Update on projects
Love you guys,
Just not really my thing, not saying I have a problem working well with others, everybody happens to adore me. or so my ego likes to think :) I just cannot maintain the best lines of communication. However, Suzanna is a wonderful communicator with a Bachelor's in IPC, so what was I getting at?
Anyway getting to the point of the matter, I feel as though sometimes I am being carried by a wave, life, and I'm surfing the ride trying to stay on afraid to fall and ruin the ride, but what I just realized is that YOU HAVE TO FALL. So that you can ride the next wave. And I've never surfed, which is funny that I used that as a metaphor. But I'm sure you can all imagine what it would be like to surf, it's gotta be scary shit. Anyway, when you fall it's scary cause your under water and you have lost your bearings and you can't breathe and your scared, but than eventually there is only one way but UP. saddle up and go after another wave.
1) This is the last semester for my Associate's in Applied Business
Still trying to grasp the Applied part, but I'm getting better.
"A person's mind, once stretched by a new idea, never regains original dimensions."
2) Work is really slow. More reason to start applying my business.
3) Dad's House Update on projects
- Subfloor almost complete in the office. Sturdy, new floorboards. Does the trick. carpet to be installed at dad's leisure.
- We need to build a wood porch in the front, cover up the cracked cement., by next week.
- Windows should be arriving 4 weeks, maybe sooner.
- Kitchen floor to be installed in two weeks time
- Need to replace the old thermostat with a digital one, looking in Nate's direction, he's done this.
- Also, Dad needs to seriously pack the rest of his stuff, Nate also looking in your direction to give him a boost of confidence for this...
- Alot of other smaller things. Oh, and bug bomb again for spiders and other creepy subcutaneous creatures, after the new windows are in.
- Floor in living room needs work on the sub floor before we install laminate wood, patch and level, maybe 1/4 inch ply to level out.
- Oh, and hand railings at the front and side porches.
Love you guys,
Tuesday, January 5, 2010
Saturday, January 2, 2010
Burj Dubai
Architecture is frozen music.
So cool.
The website is extremely busy.
Quote about the swimming pools
"The Sky Lobbies on 43 and 76 additionally house swimming pools and a recreational room each that can be utilized for gatherings and lifestyle events. Offering an unparalleled experience, both pools open to the outside offering residents the option of swimming from inside to the outside balcony."So cool.
The Winter Chill Begins!
As if the deadline to finish the porch rehab at Dad's new house wasn't stressful enough, the weather has taken a turn for the worst.

Partly Cloudy
Partly Cloudy
Feels Like
Feels Like
The home insurance underwriter has informed me that the crumbling stairs out front must be repaired before 1/28 or insurance is cancelled... :(
Good news, we have the porch almost complete outside the kitchen door. Just need to put the railing in, so let's pray for some warmer weather :)
Ask and the Lord shall provide.
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