Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Our proactive brother

Ok, so maybe i'm just a little busy, but eric did start school this week, and still had the time to finally sign us up for a family blog...

but I'm the first to post something!

ok, back to work I go...


E2 said...

Well, I guess this doesn't work for Bryan, so...

Unknown said...

yay! :)

E2 said...

yay! :) now if only we could get bry bry

Unknown said...

he can come on after work... and we can always post his stuff in here to start discussing... :)

Nate said...

yeah, he is always online at night, as I see him post stuff on facebook late at night...

no excuses!

man, this is nice...I think I might start my other planned blog's through this site...will be sure to add everyone to that one as well...

Bry said...

I don't like the juxtaposition of the first two comments here...