2. Why isn't divorce illegal?
3. Why aren't there stricter laws to govern the marriage process? i.e.: Why aren't we keeping stupid young couples from marrying, or trashy celebrities from marrying?
4. Why do we allow abusive people to marry?
5. Why do we allow people to marry for money?
Why are sterile people allowed to marry? How are they helping anything?
dude, you aren't even in the position to be married, and for several reasons.
Lastly, a lot of those things used to be on the books...and still are...adultery is illegal in many places..and is very much considered in contested divorce proceedings.
I think now you have shifted away from the equal protection side of the argument into the exact polar opposite of the whacko extremist who claim that one can be cured of homosexuality and that god will smite those that are gay...you yourself have become an extremist...
not that it is bad, as the passion for change and the passion for having what is right and should be protected is a AWESOME thing...however, there is proper debate, fight, battle, and so forth and then there are those that use scare tactics and stupid things like, the sanctity of marriage is quickly fading away...
what is it now, 50% of marriages end in divorce? 1 out of 2 is not a good number in terms of couples making it in marriage.
Yes, some christians believe that marriage is about coming together to foster in new life...why are you throwing that into the mix?
further, you are asking a federal government to make a decision that affects 100% of the country...that is not an easy thing to do...look at the health care debate...much of the country wants affordable health care, but obviously this country is not one size fits all...thus, trying to pass on a national scale any law is very tough, and contraversal...going from the ground up, the localities and states up to the federal government is much easier...
its a matter of civil rights. partnership law.
I dont think stupid people should breed, but than again who is going to work for me?
nobody has anything to prove by getting married other than an educationally considerate need for companionship, in order to raise children.
I know a gay guy who married a lesbian so that they could get the tax benefits.
Sooooo.... what I gather is that Bry bry wants a mini me or two or three :)
some day bro. some day.
This argument makes me wierded out cuz I never really like talking about marraige. i think i'm scarred.
I believe there should be more done to help foster healthier marriages... maybe I wouldn't have dove head first into mine and wouldn't be miserable today. Think that comes down to good parenting and coming from a healthy family in the first place. Hence my gut need to get into a healthy spot so my kids have lasting, meaningful relationships someday.
Divorce is considered "illegal" by Catholics. Once you do it, your next marriage isn't valid in their eyes.
Adultery- can come back and bite you in the ass in a divorce proceeding and it's something that Christians know is one of the commandments you shouldn't break.
Bry - who is your fight against at this point? the church or the law?
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