Monday, June 14, 2010

Stupid, offensive and paranoid

Joke's on them. I've been giving blood since I was 15, and have NEVER answered that question with a "yes." So many people could have my clean, gay blood flowing through them.

Thank you, FDA, for telling everyone in America: "Yes, homosexuals are harborers of disease."

In that.

Thursday, June 3, 2010

From the beginning...

What happened? I would like to see full, honest and clear stories. From everyone involved. I don't want this to grow any further.

Jessie is our sister and we love her.

Nathan is our brother and we love him.

Blair is a nice girl and Nathan loves her.

So why is there so much anger amongst so much love?

From Jordan

Bryan, please post the following on the site:

Brothers and Sisters of the Eberly Family Clan, lend me your ears.

Melodramatic entries aside, I wanted to address the issue going on with Blaire. Since this issue started perking up around Bryan, I've only heard name calling. That's all it's ever amounted to.

(EDIT: Name calling example has been removed for lack of attribution)

Ultimately, the only real issue I've heard of is that she doesn't get along with Jessie, and refuses to associate with Jessie to the point she will not attend family functions if Jessie is there. I understand how this can cause some contention, and I understand I don't have the full story. I've been letting this play out between the family because it's a family issue.

Frankly, though, I understand where Blaire could be coming from. Only Susanna and I can truly relate to Blaire's situation because we're on the outside being brought in. And a lot of the things I've heard said have sounded resentful and antagonistic. I'm not there, so I'm not calling anyone out. But at a personal level, I'd like to speak to Blaire on it and help her reconcile whatever the issues are. The only person who has a right to ask me not to is Nathan. I know it can make everyone else feel uncomfortable, but she's Nathan's girl. No one else is truly invested in this relationship and no one else has the right to tell me to butt out. And if you do ask me to, Nathan I will.

I sincerely do empathize with Blaire, and in order to deescalate the situation, I think it'd be beneficial for me to talk to her and, more importantly, give her someone to talk to. My understanding is that Eric and Andi have both offered her that space, but if I had beef with one of you, I'm not going to talk to your siblings about it. You're all too tightly knit together, which is both intimidating and damning, even though it's something I have always greatly admired about your family.

I've already sent a message to Blaire before this all blew up. Assuming there's no problem with it, Nate, if you could encourage her to talk to me, I'd appreciate it. If she or you don't want me to get involved, then I won't. And that's that.

Stopping the Drama

Hey guys. Jordan is going to talk to Blair as a way of trying to ease the drama between her and J-cat. I almost want to call this the "First Wives Summit." lol. We figure that the best person to get Blair's side of the sotry would be someone on equal footing with her. Jordan is a good candidate because he is also a significant other and only has a bias towards me. The rest of us have the obivous bias toward Nate and J-cat, so we can't failry give Blair room to explain herself.

I think Suzanna could get in on this too, but she may be too well connected to Nate and J-cat by now.

This whole situation is barely any of my business, but I see it as a stressor on my family and wanted to find a simple solution to get rid of the drama.
