Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Eberly Book Club - Book One

Seems like we've touched on a subject recently that probably could use some more debate and discussion.
I bought a book which I started reading - The Reason for God- Belief in an Age of Skepticism (Timothy Keller). Pretty interesting read... and I'd love to devote some time to this blog to discussing chapters, ideas, thoughts that come up in the book.

anyone up for it?


Unknown said...

oh...and if anyone else has a book that they want to discuss/share, etc, list away. we can do a book a month or something? not sure how book club works exactly, never joined one before.

Anonymous said...

You get together and each person shares the book the are reading or finished reading, and people get lists of books to read and stuff.

read the secret yet? or watched the DVD?

I just got a book on Japanese Gardens and it is way cool!

Let me know about your God skepticism book for sure.


Bry said...

I'll be purchasing the book tomorrow sometime. I have to. It's written in my franklin-covey planner. As is calling Andi. Expect a call sissy.