OK, so maybe eric did. Either way, I'm on here! :)
And everyone needs to go to Thanksgiving in KC. It'll be fun and I think it would start a new tradition to go to each siblings house for thanksgiving. Every year on that day, we'll decide the next destination and everyone can start saving for that trip.
I know friends that do this and it seems fun. Who knows, maybe by next year Eric or I will have our own place! (don't count on me to have one..it was just an idea thrown out there..)
But thats about it. I just wanted to figure this out and now I have so adios amigos! :)
Um...thanks? lol.
No, dude, you rock and I love your little home.
What other factors? If you plan a year in advance, put ten dollars away each paycheck if not more, for a year, thats $240 and if we all car pool or car pool as much as we can, its not that bad.
Money is the only real factor bc once again, planning a year in advance for a trip is pretty advanced notice for work or school and what not. Everyone just has to work it in to their schedules.
But whatever. Bryan, we'll have fun with you jenny and I..somehow..but we will.
Oh the more the merrier with us, of course. But even if it's just you, jenny, mom, jordan, Dulce and I, then I'll be happy.
Nate we are all grateful for the feasts you have provided in the past. The food was great and there was much Thanks and Giving.
Here is to the feasts in our future, let us be grateful for our food, family, love, friends, health, and prosperity.
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